Hasil gambar untuk anak gajah lucu
One of the animal is elephant (elephantidae) or gajah in Indonesian. It likes rhino because it has big body but elephant has long trunk and tusk. This animal usually used by many people to transportation like help some people to bring woods, then help human to pass the river. And when in the zoo, it used to vacation because many visitors excited to ride it. It also used in circus to amuse all people.
Elephant is animal who has big round head. It also has long trunk. The function  of  the trunk are to smell, breath, touch, reach, and take voice out. Then it has wide ears. In the ears there are arteries. The warm blood flow to the blood capillary , so it help to take hot body temperature out. It has two strong tusk to dig for find water, salt, and root. It also to make sign at the tree and brunch that block the way. Besides that, the tusk to attack and hold out, and to protect the trunk. Elephant also has small eyes and small mouth.
It has four big legs, white small finger, upholstery as a silencer. It also has nails. Elephant can move forward and backward, but it can’t march and  jump. They only can walk as usual and fast walk.
Elephant has big body. The elephant's body temperature was 35.9 °C  (97 °F ). The position of elephant’s body is more vertical than other mammal to arrest elephant’s burden.
It has small and a few of fur with hard skin. The color of skin is grey with 2.5 cm thick at back and a half of head. Elephant uses mud to protect their skin from ultraviolet ray. Although, elephant’s skin is very sensitive. If elephant don’t submerge into mud, the skin will broken because sun ray, insect’s bite, and lost moist.
It has small and short tail. It also has fur at the last of the tail and the color of the tail is gray.
The life span of the elephant is about 60-70 years. But, there is Lin Wang, an asian elephant, that live in conservation, was died in 86 years old. The elephant usually to take place during 2 years, with stretched tightly time through birth between 4 until 5 years. The birth usually take place in rainy season.
The elephant’s lives is in Sabana, desert, swamp, and lake coast, with variation high between sea surface until mountain areas above the snow line. They are titled to be near the water.
The elephant has many species like Asian elephant, Africa elephant, Mammoth. Every species has many different between each other. Africa elephant has big ears, concave back, it has more wrinkle skin, slanting stomach area, and two renewals like fingers in tusk point. But Asian elephant has smaller ears than Africa elephant, convex back, smooth skin, horizontal stomach area and sometimes curved in the centre, and tusk point only has one renewal.
Africa elephant has about 3–4 m (10–13 ft) height and has variation weight about 4.000–7.000 kg (8.800–15.400 lb). But, Asian elephant has about 2–3,5 m (7–11 ft) height and has about 3.000–5.000 kg (6.600–11.000 lb) weight. So Africa elephant is bigger than Asian elephant.
Elephant is herbivore animal. It likes eat fruits, vegetables, grasses. Africa elephant is a bud, and Asian elephant is meadow animal.

The elephant’s fur is used to make ornament, and make carpet. The elephant’s meat is meal for the people of Central Asian. The elephant’s tusk is used to accessories, shy away from danger, antidote, make cigarette holder, to cutter, to collection. The elephant’s skin is used to make bag, clothes, carpet, ornament.

Semoga Membantu :)
